Julie’s Reflections on 2012


(A blog post contribution from Julie! Pictured above with son Kai.)

This year I am reflecting on the kind of life I want to live and how to get there. As a busy, working mom I am constantly striving to maintain a balance and joy in the everyday routine. My biggest goals revolve around how to keep and increase that balance. They are simple goals, yet I believe that if I am successful they will benefit the whole community as we live and grow together. 

1. Create a better system so my home is a peaceful, orderly place. Once Kai is in bed the toys go away, candles are lit, wine is poured. This means I have to get specific things done on specific days (Washrooms on Weds! Floors on Mon! Shopping on weekends!). This first week has been off to a good start. Every night before bed the house has been tidy, and wine has been consumed;) 

(Don’t ask about what it looks like when we all rush out the door in the morning…)

2. Make and follow a meal plan! I have made half hearted attempts to follow one in the past, but have never had great success. However, this last week I planned and shopped a meal plan and it has worked out really well! I’m hoping that my better planning will result in lower food bills and less tortellini.

3. Like Jawcey I aim to read more books in 2012. I miss the quiet pleasure of a cup of coffee and book on a rainy day. The time I have for that is precious little, but when my parents had Kai last week I sat for 2 hours on a rainy afternoon and read a book that had nothing to do with a) the oil crisis, b) permaculture, c) teaching. It was heavenly.

4. Spend more time in the garden this spring. I loved being outside last summer and truly enjoyed our garden. However, with our plans to grow even more food I know that I will need to commit more of my time to the project. Now that Kai will be a bit older, I see this as a realistic  goal. Hand in hand with this goal is learning better ways to store the food we hope to grow (canning, cellaring, drying ect…).

5. Bring back Saturday morning muffins! I used to have coffee and muffins for the farm on many weekends. Feeling worn out and over-extended made this more difficult for me this fall. However, I recognize that life is in the simple routines we create and maintain. My hope is that as I achieve better balance in my own routine, I can once again provide a better space for the people I love.

Here is to a fabulous, peaceful, loving and farming New Year!


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