Tag Archives: julie

Julie’s Reflections on 2012


(A blog post contribution from Julie! Pictured above with son Kai.)

This year I am reflecting on the kind of life I want to live and how to get there. As a busy, working mom I am constantly striving to maintain a balance and joy in the everyday routine. My biggest goals revolve around how to keep and increase that balance. They are simple goals, yet I believe that if I am successful they will benefit the whole community as we live and grow together. 

1. Create a better system so my home is a peaceful, orderly place. Once Kai is in bed the toys go away, candles are lit, wine is poured. This means I have to get specific things done on specific days (Washrooms on Weds! Floors on Mon! Shopping on weekends!). This first week has been off to a good start. Every night before bed the house has been tidy, and wine has been consumed;) 

(Don’t ask about what it looks like when we all rush out the door in the morning…)

2. Make and follow a meal plan! I have made half hearted attempts to follow one in the past, but have never had great success. However, this last week I planned and shopped a meal plan and it has worked out really well! I’m hoping that my better planning will result in lower food bills and less tortellini.

3. Like Jawcey I aim to read more books in 2012. I miss the quiet pleasure of a cup of coffee and book on a rainy day. The time I have for that is precious little, but when my parents had Kai last week I sat for 2 hours on a rainy afternoon and read a book that had nothing to do with a) the oil crisis, b) permaculture, c) teaching. It was heavenly.

4. Spend more time in the garden this spring. I loved being outside last summer and truly enjoyed our garden. However, with our plans to grow even more food I know that I will need to commit more of my time to the project. Now that Kai will be a bit older, I see this as a realistic  goal. Hand in hand with this goal is learning better ways to store the food we hope to grow (canning, cellaring, drying ect…).

5. Bring back Saturday morning muffins! I used to have coffee and muffins for the farm on many weekends. Feeling worn out and over-extended made this more difficult for me this fall. However, I recognize that life is in the simple routines we create and maintain. My hope is that as I achieve better balance in my own routine, I can once again provide a better space for the people I love.

Here is to a fabulous, peaceful, loving and farming New Year!


my best friend, the farm babe


There’s a solid handful of farm family members who live on this 2.5 acres and when the whole crew’s back in September, I’ll post a farm family photo and introduce you to everyone. In the meantime, I thought I’d upload a photo I took today of my very best friend Julie, one of the babe-licious farm hotties who lives here. I’ve known Julie for 19 years now (our friendship has some serious staying power). Julie married my friend Chris six years ago and last year they added baby Kai to their family. I love them to absolute bits and having the opportunity to take on this farm for a year project with them was definitely the biggest draw for me.

Photo of Julie and baby Kai below. Chris is on a sailing adventure at the moment, but you’ll see more of him in a month.


I love you guys! xo