

Our white winter weather has finally arrived!

The past couple months have been unusually mild and dry for a west coast winter (last week I was building garden beds in a t-shirt). Although great for outdoor productivity, this weekend’s snowfall has been a welcome change. It slows things down and inspires winter wonderland hikes, steaming cups of tea and book reading. I love it!

The chickens, on the other hand, are not so crazy about it. Their usual morning frenzy to get outside and free range around the yard was stopped short when they felt it on their little chicken feet. Poor chickens, you’ll just have to wait till it melts, which may be awhile since the forecast calls for at least a week more of it. Yay! Here’s to more snowy, still mornings and neighbourhood snowmen.

1 thought on “Snow!

  1. shirlea durston

    Spoken like a true snow bunny. I love it too. Now if I could only go out and play in it with the kids.

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