Tag Archives: kai

a real poopy situation


This isn’t going to be about animal poop or even composting toilet poop.  It’s all about baby poop.  Because when you live on a farm with multiple families, including babies, baby poop becomes part of your life.  And given how extreme this was, we thought this poop story was blog-worthy.  Forgive us.

A couple weeks ago, Chris, Julie, Matt C and I were hanging out in their living room.  Baby Kai had recently been put down for his nap and we were enjoying some baby-free hang-out time.  Shortly after going down for his nap, Kai started crying.  We left him presuming it was his usual ‘I don’t want to nap, but I’m going to fall asleep in 5 minutes’ cry.  However, when the crying lasted longer than normal, Julie decided to go and see what was going on.  Within seconds of opening his nursery door, we heard her shout, ‘HELP!  I NEED HELP PEOPLE!’.  We rushed over and were met with a WALL OF STINK – the kind that makes you reel backwards when it hits you.  Poor Kai was standing up in his crib, screaming his eyes out, absolutely COVERED in his own poo.  Somehow, despite his diaper still being on, his poo was EVERYWHERE – the crib, the floor, the wall and all over him.  It was kind of insane.  And so was the clean up. 

Apparently, there’s an infamous poo story attached to every kid and we think this may be Kai’s.  Crappy (pun intended) photos attached :)

my best friend, the farm babe


There’s a solid handful of farm family members who live on this 2.5 acres and when the whole crew’s back in September, I’ll post a farm family photo and introduce you to everyone. In the meantime, I thought I’d upload a photo I took today of my very best friend Julie, one of the babe-licious farm hotties who lives here. I’ve known Julie for 19 years now (our friendship has some serious staying power). Julie married my friend Chris six years ago and last year they added baby Kai to their family. I love them to absolute bits and having the opportunity to take on this farm for a year project with them was definitely the biggest draw for me.

Photo of Julie and baby Kai below. Chris is on a sailing adventure at the moment, but you’ll see more of him in a month.


I love you guys! xo