A gift from a market customer


We’ve been selling our produce at farmers markets for 6 weeks now. It’s been a great learning and growing experience and we’ve felt so encouraged and welcomed by other farmers, market vendors, market managers and shoppers. 

This weekend, one of our Haney Farmers Market shoppers came by our booth to gift us a jar of her pickled beans. She’d made them from the beans we grew and sold to her a week earlier. Amazing! We were SO touched and can’t wait to try them.

Participating in markets – as a vendor or a shopper – is an incredible way to engage and build community. The gift of pickled beans we were given this week is just one example of the many positive interactions that take place at a market. If you haven’t included regular shopping at farmers markets into your schedule, we really recommend it. They’re a fun, social place to shop, and they give you direct access to local farmers who are selling you fresher produce than anything you’ll find on grocery store shelves. 

Check out this comprehensive list of farmers markets in BC to find one near you.

And to all of our new friends and supporters who we’ve met through the markets we sell at, thank you so much for the huge, warm welcome. We feel very loved and supported!