Our first market day!


We finally hosted our first official Farm for Life market booth today! After two months of delaying it because of the rain and slugs (and our lack of an earlier-built greenhouse) that kept our produce from growing sooner, we finally gave it a go. And it was awesome.

We had a lot of fun setting up the booth (and I’m sure I’ll continue to tweak our ‘look’ as we move forward). My mom made us a BEAUTIFUL Farm for Life quilt banner which I love, love, love (thanks mom!), and we pulled together baskets, burlap and chalkboard signs to display our produce with. 

Our goods today included 3 varieties of kale (Red Russian which was new to a lot of people, Blue Dwarf, and Redbor), garlic scapes, buttercrunch lettuce, potatoes, onions, snap peas, snow peas, and beets. We’re also selling baby quilts my mom has made – I’ll do a blog post feature on them soon because they deserve some attention. They’re gorgeous.

We also weren’t alone in our booth today. We met Ryan from Living Land farm a few months ago and since we’re both doing the young, permaculture farmer thing and taking a stab at selling for the first time, we thought it would make sense to share a booth and support each other until we have more combined produce than one booth can handle. Ryan’s lovely girlfriend Sylvia joined us today and she and Ryan sold chicken and duck eggs, broccoli, cauliflower and a great assortment of mixed greens.

Our plan going forward is to have our booth at the Haney Farmers Market in Maple Ridge every Saturday from 9am-2pm. As our garden beds become more plentiful, we may begin to sell at some other markets on different days of the week. We’ll let you know if we do. And if you’re interested in buying some of our produce, but can’t make it to the market, email us at thefarmforlifeproject@gmail.com and we’ll work something out.

We’ll see you next week!

A close-up of our display table.

Green stuff! The large basket at the back is full of our biggest attention grabber, the Red Russian kale.


Young potatoes, fresh from the earth!


The beets hang out while Chris whittles bamboo stakes in the background.


Ryan’s delicious salad greens.


Chris, Ryan and Sylvia pose for a shot.


1 thought on “Our first market day!

  1. Jocelyn Durston

    Oh Connie, I wish you guys did live closer! Thanks for the support! Miss you!

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