another layer!

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It’s been a quiet month on the blog because it’s been a quiet month on the farm.  Well, quiet when it comes to actual farming activites that is.  Not so quiet when it comes to family potlucks and Christmas parties!

It’s a hard time of year to do a lot outside.  The weather is yucky (rain, rain, bitter cold, rain, rain, rain), the daylight hours are short, and free time is taken up with Christmas festivities.  I’m looking forward to the new year when the days will start getting longer, the weather will slowly start inching towards spring-time temperatures, and some scheduling changes to my day job will give me more time to devote to this farming project – yay!

In the meantime, a regular part of my day still includes checking on the chickens, feeding them, getting them fresh water, and letting them in and out of their coop.  Yesterday morning when I went to let them out into their run, I discovered an egg in the coop – we have another layer folks!  After our one layer Sally got picked off by our neighbourhood hawk, we’ve had no eggs coming from our own chickens.  Looks like our young chickens are finally growing up now and we will get to start enjoying some farm-grown food.

Photos above:  the egg, the front of the chicken coop, the chickens outside in their run.

PS – I can only handle photo documenting with an iPhone camera for so long.  Time to invest in a good camera – better photos coming soon!

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