the backyard homestead


It was my birthday yesterday and my dad gave me this book, ‘The Backyard Homestead’.  It looks AWESOME and I can’t wait to start reading it!  The subtitle and other front cover text reads, “Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Eat from the garden year-round with fresh veggies and homemade preserves. Make omelets from eggs laid by your own chickens. Pick fruits and berries from your back door”. Perfect!

It’s pretty much a how-to on everything you’d want to know about food self-sufficiency in your back yard, including making dandelion wine and brewing your own beer.  Oh! And I just noticed it includes how to make fresh mozzarella… Yum!  (I love how I gravitate straight towards the alcohol and cheese ;) It contains great looking drawings and diagrams and if you don’t have a quarter acre, it includes a diagram and how to on how to live off of one-tenth of an acre too.  Loving it!  Thanks Dad!